
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Malva to Close Temporarily

Chef Roberto Alcocer announced on Facebook today that his restaurant Malva would be closed until further notice.

Via Malva's Facebook page:

Valle de Guadalupe
Baja California
25 de Junio de 2017
A nuestros clientes, amigos, familia y comunidad en general;
Anteponiendo como siempre un saludo fraterno y el agradecimiento que personalmente y como empresa hemos recibido, nos acercamos a ustedes por este medio para comunicarles que MALVA Restaurante permanecerá cerrado de manera temporal, y que utilizaremos también este medio para comunicarles nuestro regreso a los fogones.
El motivo de este impasse lo habremos de comunicar tan pronto nos sea posible y oportuno, por el momento y para disipar cualquier tipo de rumor enfatizamos que es un cierre temporal voluntario pero imprevisto.
Esperamos cuanto antes poder servirles de nuevo y honrar todas las reservaciones que quedaron sin atender, a quienes se vieron afectados por esta situación, nuestra humilde y sincera disculpa además del agradecimiento por su paciencia y preferencia.
De nuevo gracias por el apoyo que nos han brindado siempre, estaremos de vuelta con brios y ganas renovadas tan pronto nos sea posible.

Osadía Now Serving Valle de Guadalupe

The Osadía food truck began their second season in Valle de Guadalupe on June 24th.  They are parked in the Telefonica Gastro Park (where I think Osadía is the only purveyor) in San Antonio de las Minas.

Osadía - Facebook

New Restaurant: La Quinta by Ruben P Barrau

Beginning June 24 Quinta Monasterio will be the site a new campestre featuring lamb and Valencian paella.

First Look: Fauna

Fauna is a new restaurant located at the Bruma Winery/Resort.  They are currently in their soft opening phase that requires a reservation.

Photo credit: Marquez Ulbrich

Photo credit: Marquez Ulbrich

You can email or call for reservations here:

+52 1 (646) 116-8031


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Fiestas de las Vendimia - Calendar

The Valle's big wine harvest festival runs from July 28 to August 20. 

Here's a link to Discover Baja's schedule of events for this year's festival.

Travel Guide: Passport to Friday

If you have never visited the Valle you could follow this itinerary and be very happy.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

New Tasting Rooms

Casa Magoni now has a tasting room!

And, Torres Alegre y Familia has moved their tasting to take advantage of a 360 degree view.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Restaurante Nómada Returns June 30th

On June 30 Restaurante Nómada will return to the Valle for its fifth season. This year they will set up shop at Cava Maciel.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Travel Guide: Bon Appétit

La Cocina de Doña Esthela - Photo by Benjamin Heath 
Lots of places in the Valle mentioned in Bon Appétit's Guide to Baja;

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Javier Plascencia Announces a Valle Pop-up

This looks cool..

Via Instagram: @javierplascencia

Very excited for this pop up celebration of our new book, 30 yrs in the biz and my 50th bday!! Ill be cooking an 8 course dinner only for 40 days, from thursday to saturday. It will be curated by some amazing and talented friends