
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Plan for the First Timer - Valle de Guadalupe

The Valle can be a bit intimidating for first time visitors.  There are lots of wineries and lots restaurants, so figuring out how to get started can be a bit daunting.  In order to help a Valle noobie get a handle on the situation I put together an itinerary that showcases what is great about the Valle de Guadalupe.

This itinerary includes three easy to find wineries that are clustered close together just off  Highway 3.

Stop 1 - Vinas de Garza

Heading east on Highway 3 turn right (south) off the highway onto a dirt road at approximately KM marker 87. There should be signs and you'll see the winery on a hill just south of the highway.

Garza produces excellent wines and their tasting room deck has a great view of the Valle

Vinas de Garza
Open:   Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Hours:  11:00 - 4:30

Stop 2 - Sol y Barro

You'll see Sol y Barro as you drive up to Vinas de Garza.  It is a very small family winery that produces only 1 wine (red blend).  The owner/operator, Aime Desponds, is very interesting gentleman who also constructed all of the buildings on the property.

Sol y Barro

The winery's tasting room is usually open on the weekends with the time corresponding to the Vinas de Garza hours.

Phone:  011-52 (646) 155-3254
email:  solybarro(at)

Stop 3 - Tres Mujeres

Now just follow the signs to 3 Mujeres.

The tasting room is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays or at other times by appoinnment.

Tres Mujeres
Phone:  011-52 (656) 173-4536

El Pinar de 3 Mujeres

From early in the spring to the fall Ismene Venegas operates a terrific campestre (outdoor restaurant) on the grounds of 3 Mujeres.  It's the perfect place to end your first afternoon in the Valle de Guadalupe.  

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