Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Adobe Guadalupe Food Truck Open 12/31 and 1/1

Leda passed along the following info via Facebook this morning.

Amigos del Adobe Food Truck feliz primer día de invierno; como verán este martes 22 de diciembre no podremos abrir el camión debido a la lluvia. Aprovechamos para avisarles que el 24 y el 25 de diciembre no abriremos por las fiestas navideñas. Sin embargo, para fin de año trabajaremos de manera normal... a menos que llueva. ¡Salud y felices fiestas!
Dear friends of the Adobe Food Truck happy first day of winter! As you can see, we won´t be able to open the food truck due to the rain today December 22nd. As the holidays are around the corner, we won´t be open the 24th and the 25th as well. However, for we will be working as usual 31st of December as the 1st of January... unless is raining. Enjoy this rainy Tuesday
Leda Gamboa Rojas - Facebook

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